- 罗姆尼在新罕布什尔州康科德进行竞选宣传时说,上次我听到的也是这些承诺。
- ' I saw the promises last time , ' mr. romney said during a campaign stop in concord , n.h.
- 只要总部设在马萨诸塞州康科德的美国水土保持能源局能批准他们的计划,该厂将把它生产的二氧化碳污染物压入大西洋底近两英里处的沙岩中。
- If permits are approved , the plant , operated by scs energy , based in concord , ma , will pump its carbon dioxide pollution into sandstone located almost two miles beneath the floor of the atlantic ocean .
- 美国新罕布什州康科德厨师马太米特里斯凯matthewmitnitsky在他制作的222.5磅(100.9kg)重的肉球打破肉球世界记录后欢呼。
- Chef matthew mitnitsky cheers after his meatball weighed in at 222.5 pounds ( 100.9 kg ) , breaking the world record for the largest meatball , in concord , new hampshire
- 投资者认为有这种可能。
- Investors think it might be .
- 答案应该是肯定的。
- The answer must be yes .
- 总统可能是真诚的。
- The president may be sincere .