- 据美联社(associatedpress)的报道和照片显示,利比亚反对派本周在受到洗劫的卡扎菲官邸阿齐齐亚兵营(babal-aziziya)中发现了一本相册,里面全是赖斯的照片。
- Among items libyan rebels found in moammar gadhafi 's ransacked bab al-aziziya compound this week was a photo album filled with shots of former u. s. secretary of state condoleezza rice , according to associated press reports and photos .
- 利比亚叛军在洗劫卡扎菲在的黎波里的官邸阿齐齐亚兵营时发现了一本相册,里面放满了赖斯的照片。
- Rebels ransacking his bab al-aziziya compound in tripoli discovered an odd photo album consisting of " page after page " of snapshots of rice .
- 我们可以通过别的方式给予:亲手烤饼干;帮助别人洗洗车;帮已婚夫妇带宝宝,这样他们能度过一个浪漫的夜晚;制作一本相册集;或者在别人搬家时伸出援助之手。
- We can find other ways to give : bake cookies , wash someone 's car , babysit so they can go on a date night , create a photo album , be there when they need help moving .