- 骏思教育资源有限公司。
- Chon si educational resources company limited .
- 所以,在1967年,si采用了一个更为精确的制定办法,该办法基于一个铯原子在两个能级之间跃迁时的辐射频率。
- Thus , in 1967 , si adopted a more precise definition based on the frequency of the radiation a caesium atom emits when it flips between two energy states .
- 我也只想嗣魅这么多。
- I just want to si so much charm .
- 你怎么可以比日本警察对我更差呢?
- How could you treat me worse than the jap cops ?
- 你们大家谁有小日本军刀或是旗帜的?
- Any of you guys got a jap sword ?
- 最大的变化是由日本带来的。
- But the biggest part of the change had been brought about by the jap .