- 法德在芝加哥继续布道,普尔就成了他的牧师。
- Fard set up operations in chicago , and poole became his minister .
- 比蒂不是一个普通的部长。
- Biti is not your average minister .
- 有迹象显示这位部长可能会辞职。
- There were signs that the minister would resign .
- 或者外观优势真的在现代政治中占有一席之地?
- Or does the appearance advantage have a place in modern politics ?
- 于1992年在巴塞罗那闭幕式几次后,他改变了他的外观。
- He changed his appearance several times after the closing ceremony in barcelona in 1992 .
- 患有黑色棘皮症的患者,可能会自然而然地在意皮肤的外观。
- With acanthosis nigricans , you may naturally be concerned about the appearance of your skin .
- 照片由泽布霍根提供。
- Photograph courtesy of zeb hogan .
- 一个妇女拿着她的智能手机给一只正在花上采食的帝王蝶拍照。
- A woman angled her smartphone to photograph a monarch feeding on a flower .
- 在你因重罪被捕后,警察会给你拍照并让你留指纹。
- Following your arrest for an indictable offence , police will fingerprint and photograph you .
- 植物种的群常与严酷或干扰的生境有联系。
- Facies of species are often connected with extreme or disturbed habitats .
- 相模型和属性模型精细地反映了油气分布规律及控制因素,为有效挖潜与井位部署提供了可靠依据。
- The facies model and property model demonstrate the distribution and the controlling factor of hydrocarbon , and provide reliable basis for potential finding and well placement .
- 我国石油资源比较丰富,但以陆相生油为主,资源品位较低,难开采资源的比重较大。
- Natural resources of our country oil is more substantial , but give priority to with land facies unboiled oil , resource grade is inferior , the proportion of difficult exploitation resource is larger .
- 这场暴跌经历了若干阶段。
- The downward slump has taken several phases .
- 爱尔兰的经济扩张经历了两个阶段。
- Ireland 's expansion went through two phases .
- 明斯基将这种过程分为三个阶段。
- Minsky divided the process into three phases .