- 自行车的车把挤进了大巴的金属底盘,并且刺进了long的身体,从他的肚脐到直肠划了一个大口子。
- The bike 's handlebars got jammed into the coach 's metal base and speared long , opening a fissure from his belly button to his rectum .
- 骨盆神经女性从阴道和子宫颈发出,两性都从直肠发出
- Pelvic nerve - transmits from the vagina and cervix in women and from the rectum in both sexes
- 另一头连接放射线治疗仪,通过管子直接对直肠内的癌组织施用放射线。
- The other end is then attached to a radiotherapy machine and radiation is administered , through the tube , directly into the cancer tissue in the rectum .
- 右页则以抒情散文的笔调讲述了卡森与其兄长之间发生的故事,中间还穿插有照片和信件等素材。
- Recto pages tell the story of carson 's relationship to her brother through fragments of lyric essay and primary materials like photographs and letters .
- 直小血管在维持肾髓质渗透压梯度中的作用。
- Roles of renal vasa recta in maintaining medullary osmotic pressure gradient .
- 种植密度对万寿菊生物学及产量性状的影响。
- Effect of sowing density on biology character and yield of tagetese recta l.
- 目的了解直肠癌miles术后恢复期患者的生活质量,探讨不同时期造口护理状况的变化。
- Objective : to find out the living quality of the patients with recta cancer who were in the convalescence after miles operation and discuss the changes of making-ora nursing status in different periods .