- 私人股权所有者属于直截了当的卖家。
- Private equity owners are straightforward sellers .
- 在新加坡的收购则更直截了当。
- The singaporean purchase appears more straightforward .
- 这不是一个简单的问题。
- It 's not a straightforward question .
- imf下属的“独立评估办公室”成立于10年前,即亚洲金融危机过后对imf在危机前的失误作了直率的评述。
- The imf 's independent evaluation office set up 10 years ago after the asian financial crisis gives a forthright account of the fund 's pre-crisis misses .
- 利比亚的伊斯兰教新晋领导人就直截了当地谴责了发生在美国驻班加西领事馆的暴行。
- Newly elected islamist leaders of libya have been forthright in their condemnation of the outrage against america 's consulate in benghazi .
- 有时候(但不是一直)他们会同意,这样你就因为你的直截了当省钱了。
- Sometimes ( but not always ) , they will be and you save money just by being forthright about not wanting to pay excessive fees .
- 不过弗兰克似乎也很喜欢她。
- But frank seemed very interested in her .
- 弗兰克教授就是一个活生生的例子。
- Professor frank is a case in point .
- 他曾就这次经历给扎伯格写过一封相当坦率的公开信。
- He wrote a rather frank open letter to mr zuckerberg about that experience .