- 当你有许多应用程序时,批量升级的方法非常简单。
- The way batch updates work when you have multiple apps is very straight forward .
- 现在欧盟公民可以像克罗地亚人一样购买房产,这样事情就相对简单了,但是对其它外国人手续还是相当麻烦。
- Now that eu citizens can make purchases the way a croatian can , it is relatively straight-forward , but may still be difficult for other foreigners .
- 然而,将觅食认为总是直接而容易的行动却是虚伪的表现。
- Nevertheless , it would be disingenuous to suggest that foraging is always straight-forward and easy .
- 也许它们间没有直接的联系。
- There may be no direct link .
- 媒体也必将激烈反对直接的政府监督。
- The press would fiercely oppose direct political oversight .
- 然而,新奥集团专注于一种直接的办法。
- But enn is focusing on a direct approach .
- 作为一份礼物,筷子就如他们的外形一样象征着爽直。
- As a gift , chopsticks symbolize straightforwardness because of their shape .
- 那种直观比较分析中一个(特点)是:这种比较对过去所有的年份一视同仁。
- Part of the straightforwardness of that analysis is that it treats all the previous years equally .
- 苹果有与众不同的美学观即简易至上。
- Apple has a distinctive aesthetic that prioritises simplicity and straightforwardness .