- 私人股权所有者属于直截了当的卖家。
- Private equity owners are straightforward sellers .
- 在新加坡的收购则更直截了当。
- The singaporean purchase appears more straightforward .
- 这不是一个简单的问题。
- It 's not a straightforward question .
- 他以一贯直言不讳的方式指出,他不在乎某个士兵的性取向,他关心的是这个士兵能否把枪瞄得准。
- In his typically blunt way , he said he didn 't care whether a soldier was straight , but whether he could shoot straight .
- 在旧金山召开的geo-loco会议上,联合广场投资公司的管理合伙人弗雷德.威尔逊对当今高新技术产业发表了大量直言不讳的意见。
- Union square ventures managing partner fred wilson 's had plenty of blunt opinions on the tech industry today at the geo-loco conference in san francisco .
- 那则直率的短消息可能是未来事物的一个预兆。
- That blunt text message may be a harbinger of things to come .