- 千万不要使用那些你常在书刊报纸上见到的暗喻,明喻或其他比喻。
- Never use a metaphor , simile , or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print .
- 这样的比喻是什么含义?
- What does this simile mean ?
- 他从前从来没有看见过一个女人的嘴唇和牙齿如此美妙,让他在心中不断地想起玫瑰含雪这个古老的伊丽莎白时代的比喻。
- He had never before seen a woman 's lips and teeth which forced upon his mind with such persistent iteration the old elizabethan simile of roses filled with snow .
- 热带气旋定量降水预报的动力相似方案。
- A dynamic similitude scheme for tropical cyclone quantitative precipitation forecast .
- 我们用舌头颂赞那为主为父的,又用舌头咒诅那照着神形像被造的人。
- Therewith bless we god , even the father ; and therewith curse we men , which are made after the similitude of god .
- 相似离度在钦州市月降水量预报中的应用.
- Application of similitude degree of separation to the monthly precipitation forecast in qin zhou .