- 每个单元都垂直固定在海滩上,由靠铰链连接的4段组成,其中安放着独立的水压发电站。
- Each unit is anchored perpendicular to the beach , and has four segments connected in a line by hinges that house independent hydraulic power plants .
- 太阳系的大部分行星其转动轴与轨道轴都是垂直的。
- Most of the planets in the solar system have an axis of rotation that is perpendicular to their orbital axis .
- 假设摩托车在墙面上行驶时是完全垂直于墙面,那么下面这幅图就向你显示出在这个加速参考系中力的图示。
- Suppose the motorcycle was driving such that the vehicle was completely perpendicular to the wall . Here is what the force diagram for that would look like in the accelerating frame .