- 不止一位日本教授曾告诉banyan说日本才是中华文化真正守护者。
- More than one japanese professor has told banyan that japan is the true guardian of chinese culture .
- 总统是意大利宪法的守护者,总统所捍卫的内容如今还包括欧盟财政契约。
- The president is guardian of the italian constitution , which now includes the euro 's fiscal compact .
- 通过下面的方法,你可以教会孩子成为一个有责任感的、有爱心的宠物守护者。
- The following are some ways to teach your child to be a responsible and loving pet guardian .
- 她说,她只是它们暂时的保管人,被电影摄像机迅速捕捉、在坚硬的石头后面柔软的聚光灯下摆姿势的一个人罢了。
- She was only their temporary custodian , she said , a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing , in soft focus , behind the hard stones .
- 可口可乐很快发现它只是品牌的监护人不是所有者。
- Coca-cola quickly discovered that it was merely the custodian of the brand , rather than its owner .
- ubp表示,它认识到“投资管理、履约经纪商和保管人职能没有分离”是一个风险。
- Ubp said it identified the " non-segregation of investment management , executing broker and custodian functions " as a risk .