- 色彩鲜亮,明活,用极具现代感的抽象纹理和张力很强的木纹纹理,勾勒出高雅、舒畅、明朗、浪漫温馨的氛围,给生活带来独有的特色。
- Color is vivid , bright work , by having abstract lamination and tension very strong wooden line lamination of the modern sense very much , sketch the contours of the graceful , happy , clear , romantic and warm atmosphere , and bring the unique characteristic to life .
- 儿童期智商与成年期醉酒频率间也存在显著线性正相关,如下图所示,“非常迟钝”的受调查者群体平均下来几乎在一年间从未有过醉酒行为,而“非常聪慧”的受调查群体几乎每隔一月就要醉酒一次。
- The association between childhood intelligence and adult frequency of getting drunk is equally clear and monotonic , as you can see in the following graph . " Very dull " add health respondents almost never get drunk , whereas " very bright " add health respondents get drunk once every other month or so .