- 太阳能电池将太阳光能转化为电能。
- Solar cells convert sunlight to electricity .
- 这种债券还可以转换成股票,赋予企业更多灵活性。
- The bonds can also convert into shares , giving companies added flexibility .
- 把思想转换成实物的能力是外在的成功的秘密。
- The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success .
- 我不是为了要永生才来找个避难所。
- I don 't seek refuge for eternity .
- 战争在南方阿富汗的增多使得那里的塔吉克族人去塔吉克斯坦寻找避难。
- Increased fighting in northern afghanistan has caused ethnic tajiks there to seek refuge in tajikistan .
- 世界上其他一些旅游景点也将为那些担心末日预言的人提供避难场所。
- Other resorts across the world are offering refuge for those fearing the doomsday predictions .