- 对于像乔治六世国王这样虔诚的人来说,从全能的主获得恰当治理他的国民所需的灵魂、力量和能力的宣告的影响是无法被低估的。
- For a man as deeply religious as king george vi , it was difficult to overestimate the significance of this avowal of his dependence on the almighty for the spirit , strength and power needed to do right by his subjects .
- 王的话本有权力,谁敢问他说「你做什麽」呢?
- Where the word of a king power : and who may say unto him , what doest thou ?
- 作为神学家和西方教会的代言人,阿奎那深入讨论了宗教与政治的关系问题,包括如何协调教权与王权的关系、如何对待异教徒、如何对待叛教者等。
- As the theologian and spokesman of the church , thomas aquinas probed into questions concerning the relation between religion and po1 itics , including how to humanize the power of church and the power of king , how to treat pagans and how to treat the treasons , etc.