- 而旧金山的白色孟加拉老虎奥汀潜入水中取食。
- While in san francisco odin the white bengal tiger dives for his food .
- 三只45天大的孟加拉白虎幼崽2007年12月出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园。
- A trio of 45 day-old bengal white tiger cubs were born in december 2007 at the buenos aires zoo .
- 加利福尼亚瓦列霍:六杆旗探索王国(sixflagsdiscoverykingdom)奥丁之老虎神庙(theodin'stempleofthetiger)虎展开幕式上,白色孟加拉虎奥丁潜水捕食肉块。
- Vallejo , california : odin , a white bengal tiger , dives for a piece of meat at the opening of the odin 's temple of the tiger exhibit at six flags discovery kingdom
- 一支世界杯赛传统强队的厄运大约就要结束了。
- A traditional world cup power 's jinx is about to end .
- 媒体呼吁不能停止援引杰基克星。
- Media wags couldn 't resist invoking the jackie jinx .
- 但是我们并没有新买其他的物品,因为我们认为那样做会给我们带来厄运。
- We hadn 't bought anything though because we thought that would jinx our chances .