- 欧盟海军发言人帕迪奥肯尼迪说,16日晚,海盗在距索科特拉岛西南160海里处释放了此前劫持的“激发”号货轮。
- Kennedy , a navy spokesman said the european union pa diao , 16-night , pirates from the island of socotra and 160 nautical miles from the previous release of the hijacked " inspired " cargo ship .
- 他们往往在一套内运用不同宫调的曲牌,用转变调性造成音乐的对比、发展。
- They were frequently inserting into the sets qu tunes of different gong diao , creating musical contrast and development through tonal interchanges .
- 刁四肢着地,喘着气,还不断地刨着地,就像一头牛一样。
- Diao was down on all fours , snorting and pawing like a bull .