- 要将糙米制成精白米则必须将稻谷的麸皮和胚芽去除,留下白色的胚乳部分。
- Turning brown rice white entails removing a rice grain 's bran and germ , which uncovers the white endosperm .
- 它包括所有精制的产品,如白面包,白面条,白面粉,白米饭,总之是任何去掉麸皮的谷物。
- It includes all refined products such as white bread , white pasta , white flour , white rice , in short any grain with the bran removed .
- 我不会去掩盖事实,任何一种糙米实际是比精白米更费时煮熟,但想想那多出来的20到25分钟你就能解脱出来干点别的什么事了。
- I won 't gloss over the fact that brown rice of any variety takes longer to cook than white rice , but consider the extra 20 to 25 minutes as free time for you to do something else .