- 如果天热了,一双花哨的系带平底凉鞋会抵消上衣的沉重感。
- If it 's warm , a flat , fun , strappy sandal will offset the severity of the jacket .
- 巴厘岛本地工人忙着冲洗人行道,并且把压扁的空啤酒罐、食品包装纸、不成对的橡胶凉鞋和其他的垃圾打扫干净。
- Balinese workers busily wash down sidewalks and sweep up crushed beer cans , food wrappers , the odd rubber sandal and other detritus .
- 这种售价3美元的黑色塑料凉鞋除非你躲藏在暗堡里担惊受怕,否则穿着不会舒服,但它却是官方“战争时代”的象征。
- The shida sandal , a $ 3 black plastic shoe that is actually quite uncomfortable unless you 're hiding in a bunker and have bigger worries , is the official symbol of the struggle .