- 华盛顿最容易辨认的建筑上是令人触目惊心的景象:一条绳索保护架攀爬在169米高的华盛顿纪念塔。
- It is a startling sight atop one of the most recognizable structures in washington : a rope rigger , climbing out on the tip of the 169-meter-high washington monument .
- 雷夫和埃伦的想法赢得大西洋两岸游乐场专家的支持;一个景观结构公司提供了一个10英尺高像莫比乌斯带那样螺旋状攀岩墙。
- Leif kennair and ellen sandseter 's ideas have won the support of playground experts on both sides of the atlantic ; one company , landscape structures , offers a 10-foot-high climbing wall that twists like a mbius strip .