- 这是一种疯狂的选择。
- That is an insane choice .
- 所有的战争的结果都是人们死亡、受伤、被恐怖吓疯。
- The result of all wars is men killed , maimed or made insane by horror .
- 因为贝拉特里克斯莱斯特兰奇的缘故,他们发了疯,认不出纳威了。
- They were insane and couldn 't recognise him , because of bellatrix lestrange .
- 人们都以为他疯了。
- People thought he was crazy .
- 在线零售商们是不是疯了?
- Eg. are on line retailers crazy ?
- 那是不是意味着我疯了?
- Does that mean I 'm crazy ?
- 女孩还声称她患有脑肿瘤和羊角风,让这位老师手足无措。
- The girl also says she has a brain tumor and epilepsy . The teacher doesn 't know what to do .
- 全球5000万人有癫痫症,他们中有80%生活在资源匮乏国家。
- Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide , 80 % of whom live in resource poor countries .
- 每次研究人员会让癫痫患者重复他们指给患者的10个单词中的任何一个单词。
- Researchers told the epilepsy patient to repeat one of the 10 words each time they pointed at the patient .
- 奎硫平合并丙戊酸镁缓释片治疗精神分裂症兴奋激越研究。
- Study of quetiapine combined with magnesium valproate release tablets in treatment of schizophrenia with symptoms of elation and agitation .
- 我们没有观察到利培酮合用锂盐或丙戊酸钠的不良反应,尽管在丙戊酸钠上血浆浓度峰值增加20%。
- No effects of risperidone on lithium or valproate exposure were observed , despite a 20 % increase in valproate peak plasma concentration .
- 癫痫;丙戊酸镁缓释片;卡马西平。
- Epilepsy , mangnesium valproate sustained release tablets carbamazepine .