- 克雅氏病是一种奇怪的疾病。
- It is also a strange illness .
- 很有可能是压抑或者疾病。
- It could be depression or illness .
- 或许是更严重的疾病?
- Or perhaps , a worse illness ?
- 每次静修后,他会为我们讲解《宗门葛藤集》,这是一部公案集。
- After meditation he lectures on the kattoshu , a koan collection .
- “许安饭店”,靠近许安村,从城东路拐进小路,穿过火车涵洞,是一条捷径,此店乃正宗的大食堂型饭店,一张台子要翻数次才能满足广大群众高涨的食欲。
- " Koan hotel " , near the village of koan , from cheng east turn into a lane through the train culverts , is a shortcut , this authentic restaurant is a big dining-type restaurants , a table to bring up several times in order to meet the rising masses loss of appetite .
- 本文试图对这一"学术公案"予以分析。
- This paper focuses on the analysis of this " academic koan " .