- 它可以让犹豫不决的他产生化学反应,通过静脉的流动,对我们产生迷恋。
- It induces the same " fight or flight " chemicals that race through our veins when we feel infatuation .
- 他对希特勒的迷恋依然存在。
- His infatuation with hitler remained .
- 他说好莱坞现前的3d迷恋只是额外附加费的昂贵电影票的一个借口。
- He said hollywood 's current infatuation with 3d was just an excuse to add surcharges to already expensive cinema tickets .
- 相忘是因为有情,绝情是因为深情,平淡是因为痴情。
- Disremembering because of love , desperated because of affectionateness , placidity because of spoony .
- 我如果爱你--绝不学痴情的鸟儿,为绿荫重复单纯的歌曲。
- If I fall in love with you -- I will never imitate spoony birds , to repeat simple songs for green shade .
- 一傻人在海边写“爱”字。
- A spoony man was writing " love " in the sand of seashore .