- 跟踪系统调用和信号。
- Trace system calls and signals .
- 它可以跟踪,地区、行业和职业之间的变化。
- It can trace shifts between regions , sectors and occupations .
- 当你这么考虑问题时,追踪什么就会有很多不同的选择。
- When you consider this , there are several different options for what to trace .
- 这次飞行将标记为两个航天器的第一次飞行。
- The launch will mark the first flight for both vehicles .
- 现在再看看这上面的印记。
- Now look at the mark on this .
- 马克在学校里是人气王。
- Mark was popular at school .
- 这正是rahmemanuel对布鲁明戴尔小径和公园的展望。
- That 's what rahm emanuel is envisioning for the bloomingdale trail and park .
- 有好几里的距离小径从美丽的树林里穿过,一切都很顺利。
- For many miles the trail wound uphill through pleasant woods , and all went well .
- 沿着科尔克里克小径,通过高山草甸,他们俯瞰着由冰川淤泥所照亮的河流。
- They follow little coal creek trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt .
- 一些科学家假设和人类打嗝有关的神经回路是在蝌蚪时期利用腮下肉辅助呼吸的猿人祖先的进化痕迹。
- Some scientists hypothesize that the neural circuitry implicated in human hiccuping is an evolutionary vestige from our amphibian ancestors who use a similar action to aid respiration with gills during their tadpole stage .
- 但也许还有更多激进势力存在,目前为止,相对于伊斯兰教习俗,突尼斯的世俗化仍然占优势,并将导致国家向更恶劣的方向推进,使之洗刷所有老旧制度的痕迹,包括新组建的脆弱政府。
- Or more radical elements , so far secular rather than islamist , could drive it in a harsher direction , ridding it of every vestige of the old regime , including those of its number in the fragile new government .
- 不过传统的电灯就更差了,它们是电子管时代的最后一点遗迹,需要借助蒸汽和电线才能发光。
- Traditional light bulbs , the last vestige of the vacuum tube era , produce light with hot gases or wires .