- 心脏病通常并发此症状。
- Heart disease often complicates this .
- 心脏病排在第四位。
- Heart disease came in fourth .
- 你只能延缓慢性病的发生。
- The disease can only be managed .
- 克雅氏病是一种奇怪的疾病。
- It is also a strange illness .
- 很有可能是压抑或者疾病。
- It could be depression or illness .
- 或许是更严重的疾病?
- Or perhaps , a worse illness ?
- 甚至会有勃起功能障碍和痴呆的症状。
- Even erectile dysfunction and dementia .
- 一些研究已经提出了睡眠质量和痴呆症之间的关系。
- Some studies have suggested a link between sleep and dementia .
- 双语能力似乎还能够延迟老年痴呆症的发病时间。
- Bilingualism even seems to delay the onset of dementia in old age .
- 充满有害化学物质、一氧化碳、灰尘和其它有害物质的空气。
- Air that has become saturated with harmful chemic als , carbon monoxides , dust , and other contaminants .
- 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
- Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of mate * * * als and information .
- 可是他在21岁的时候,出现了肌萎缩性(脊髓)侧索硬化的征兆;这一疾病不可避免地要导致瘫痪,使他很多事都不能做。
- But at age 21 he developed the first symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( als ) , a disorder that would inevitably render him paralyzed and incapable of performing most kinds of work .