- 她的故事是这样的:由于生病丢了工作,然后失去了它的公寓,继而是一家熟食店的一份非全日制工作,再接着是租借的房间,最后是她的财产。
- She tells the story of how she lost her job due to illness , then her apartment , then part-time work in a deli , then the room she was renting and finally the possessions she had put in storage .
- 猪流感在墨西哥爆发的消息传来令人们把它看做一个异物,之后没多久,公共卫生组织就向公众大力宣传:猪流感的起病阶段就像是轻微感冒,并且待在家里能够预防感染。
- After a brief moment when news of the outbreak in mexico made swine flu look like a horseman of the apocalypse , public health officials have spent much effort reassuring people that most of the time , the virus causes a mild illness that can be ridden out at home .
- 他们招募了23名婴儿的父母,让其详细记录了婴儿4至17个月的实时睡眠习惯,同时也记录了这些婴儿是母乳喂养还是奶粉喂养的,以及他们是否有皮疹或腹泻等疾病的迹象。
- They recruited the parents of 23 infants . The parents took careful real-time notes on infant sleep patterns for between four and 17 months . They also noted whether the babies were breast - or bottle-fed , and whether they had signs of illness such as rashes or diarrhea .