- 为什么近期冰岛的火山爆发制造了这么多火山灰?
- Why did the recent volcanic eruption in iceland create so much ash ?
- 大多数人认为此次火山喷发是一场灾难。
- Most people considered the eruption a calamity .
- 从全球金融危机爆发至今已经过了大约3年时间。
- About three years have passed since the eruption of the financial crisis .
- 其他一些地方则爆发了麻疹。
- Elsewhere there have been outbreaks of measles .
- 麻疹是这三种疾病中最严重的一种。
- Measles is the most serious of the three illnesses .
- 现在麻诊病毒正在这些极度拥挤的难民营里迅速传播。
- Now the measles virus is spreading rapidly through the extremely overcrowded camps .