- 社会科学家和疲惫的工薪阶层长期以来都在关注这个问题。
- The question has long preoccupied social scientists and weary wage slaves alike .
- 利比亚的卡扎菲没有前途,只要他的雇佣兵感到厌烦,他也就该倒台了。
- As for libya gaddafi has no future . The day his mercenaries grow weary he will fall .
- 我略过这个岛上很多奇怪的事情,免得我让你厌烦。
- I pass over many other things peculiar to this island , lest I should weary you .
- 我突然感到精疲力竭,脸部肌肉随着我的微笑疼痛起来。
- I 'm suddenly exhausted ; the muscles of my face ache with smiling .
- 跑完一次马拉松后瘫倒在地,筋疲力尽却热爱人生。
- Collapsing after finishing a marathon , exhausted but in love with life .
- 当时我总是筋疲力尽,有段时间还觉得做什么都没有希望。
- I was always exhausted , and some days it all felt hopeless .
- 今天,经理把办公室里的每个人都累得够呛。
- The manager tired out everyone in the office today .
- 走了那么长一段路,我们都累坏了。
- We were tired out after that long walk .
- 为了推出自己的产品或服务,你很有可能就会感到筋疲力尽。
- In order to launch their own products or services you are likely to feel be tired out .