- 果然,到了三月份我接受了第二次疝气手术。
- Sure enough , I had to have a second hernia operation this march .
- 一般来说疝气是容易发现的。
- It is usually easy to recognize a hernia .
- 几天后,疝气被治愈。
- The hernia was fixed a few days later .
- 腰椎间盘突出症的个性化治疗。
- Individualized treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation .
- 中医推拿疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症60例。
- Treating 60 cases of lumbar disc herniation in massage therapy .
- 腰椎间盘突出的管理。
- Management of lumbar disk herniation .
- 目前只有他一个候选人敢于宣称在经历了这么多年的萧条后,法国需要与自己的过去“决裂”。
- Yet he is the only candidate brave enough to advocate the " rupture " with its past that france needs after so many gloomy years .
- 在强脑压下,这一疵点开始破裂并引发出血或溢血。
- Under stress , those weak spots can rupture and lead to hemorrhaging , or bleeding .
- 他们所需要的最后一件事就是另一个公开的决裂当他们试图通过花言巧语哄骗奥巴马将他们的忧虑比他们的前任更具同情心。
- Another public rupture is the last thing they need as they try to coax barack obama into addressing their concerns more sympathetically than his often heedless predecessor .