- 安倍晋三进一步对自己的身体状况做出保证,称一种罕见的肠道疾病不会妨碍他履行公职。
- Mr. abe gave further reassurances about his health , saying a rare bowel illness won 't hinder him from performing his duties .
- 安倍晋三进一步对自己的身体状况做出保证,称一种罕见的肠道疾病不会妨碍他履行公职。
- Mr. abe gave further reassurances about his health , saying a rare bowel illness won 't hinder him from performing his duties .
- frieden说:学校对那些罕见情况涉及到的学生要有特殊健康关注,他们会增加严重疾病的危险,像学校对怀孕青少年或肌营养不良或脑瘫学生,这些状态会干扰呼吸或使流感复杂化。
- Those rare instances involve schools whose students have specific health concerns that increase their risk of severe illness , said frieden , such as schools for pregnant teens or students with muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy , conditions that interfere with breathing or may otherwise complicate influenza .