We could then tell them to practice these scripts with each other not as adversarial role play but as peer coaching exercises .
In common-law countries , the battleground of the court is of a piece with the adversarial , yet rule-bound , spirit of politics .
Moscow does not believe iran is currently pursuing nuclear weapons , and its adversarial relationship with washington will be maintained as long as the likes of ukraine and georgia are being considered for nato membership .
However , their view that a company 's shares will decline puts them in a naturally adversarial position towards company management .
India too should start developing equivalent points of leverage in case the relationship becomes adversarial in the future .
Mcchesney argues that as news subsidies have increased in europe , " the content of news has become more adversarial toward the party in power and the government in general . "
America will not impose any system of government on another country , but our long-term security and prosperity depends on our steady support for universal values , which sets us apart from our enemies , adversarial governments , and many potential competitors for influence .