- 通过穿着突显非洲风格的服装,她赢得了利比里亚许多族群的爱戴,这同时也是对彰显地区共同传统的种种元素的认同。
- By wearing afrocentric clothes , she appeals to many of liberia 's ethnic groups and embraces elements of a common regional heritage .
- 最糟糕的是欧盟委员会司法委员维维亚娜雷丁在上礼拜发言中指出,对一个民族群体的排除让她“惊愕”,这种做法她“认为欧洲在历经二战后不会再想重蹈覆辙”。
- The low point was last week 's declaration by viviane reding , the european justice commissioner , that she was " appalled " by the removal of an ethnic group , something she " thought europe would not have to witness again after the second world war " .
- 她是哈佛医学院跨文化关注委员会成员,面对众多经济贫困的少数民族群体。
- She is a member of harvard medical school 's cross-cultural care committee , and she treats a diverse group of ethnic minorities who are economically disadvantaged .