- 再撒入一些乌兹别克的藏红花、紫苏、西红柿干和带有浓烈蘑菇味的苦豆叶。
- Add some uzbek mix of sweet pepper , saffron , basil , dried tomatoes and fenugreek leaves with a stong mushroom smell .
- 我走进一家相对昂贵的餐厅,吃了一块美味的牛排,外加番红花米饭,还喝了一瓶红酒。
- I go to a relatively expensive restaurant and eat a glorious steak with saffron rice , and drink a bottle of wine .
- 尽管不少人已获释放,但在押政治犯总数仍高于2007-2008年“番红花革命”及随后的镇压活动之前的水平。
- Their remaining numbers , despite the latest release , are no lower than before the " saffron revolution " and subsequent crackdown in 2007-08 .
- 种植密度对藏红花生长的影响。
- Effects of planting density on the growth of crocus sativus .
- 藏红花是春天的信使。
- The crocus is an early harbinger of spring .
- 藏红花球茎腐烂病的调查及初步分析。
- Investigation and preliminary analysis on stem rot disease of crocus sativus .