- 埃勾斯匆匆地拥抱了妻子和儿子,然后头也不回地向船走去。
- Aegeus hastily embraced his wife and son , and without a backward glance he departed to his ship .
- 现在,一个星期后,在埃默里医院的神经外科医生的办公室里,他和妻儿听了37岁的医学博士costashadjipanayis解释问题有多严重。
- Now , a week later , in the office of an emory neurosurgeon , he and his wife and son heard costas hadjipanayis , md , 37 , explain how serious the problem was .
- 他踉踉跄跄地做着为一所艺术学校募集资金的工作,他靠与其妻子和儿子一起看电视打发夜间时光。
- He bumbles through his job fund-raising for an art school , and spends his nights watching television with his wife and son .