- 两年后,通过“援助工匠”和artecnica,他创作了一款名为tatu的网架咖啡桌,这个桌子可以分解成一个碗、一个盘子和一个篮子。
- Two years later , through aid to artisans and artecnica , he created tatu , a wire table that breaks down into a bowl , a tray and a basket .
- 两年后,通过“援助工匠”和artecnica,他创作了一款名为tatu的网架咖啡桌,这个桌子可以分解成一个碗、一个盘子和一个篮子。
- Two years later , through aid to artisans and artecnica , he created tatu , a wire table that breaks down into a bowl , a tray and a basket .
- 目击者乌多桑德霍福尔(udosandhoefer)说,有些人爬到隧道的墙上,试图从边上进入地面。
- Eyewitness udo sandhoefer said some people climbed up the walls of the tunnel in an attempt to get into the grounds from the side .
- 我不会放开你,不论你作什么事,说什么话,什么是对的什么是错的。
- I never give up you , no matter what udo something and say something , whatever is right and wrong .
- 当疑心茵格伯格因为他不快时,乌多给她买了一个陶土小雕像,是一个正在大便的农民。
- When he suspects that ingeborg is displeased with him , udo buys her a clay figurine depicting a peasant in the act of defecating .