- 此外,很多人由于个人抱负或人生目标不能凭借其在尘世的工作取得实现,于是他们就把内心的理想世界放置到绘画里,于是它就成为了中华民族所独有的绘画学派(文学-画家学派)的渊源之一。
- Additionally , many people 's personal ambition or lifelong aim can not be realized by the earthly work , and then the paint their ideal world into their painting . This is one of the origins of chinese unique painting school , which is literary-painter school .
- 立体派20世纪初出现于巴黎的一个绘画和雕刻抽象流派,其特征是把各种自然形态简化并分裂成抽象的、通常为几何形状的结构,并常被描绘成一系列互不相联的平面。
- A nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in paris in the early 20th century , characterized by the reduction and fragmentation of natural forms into abstract , often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes .
- “立体派:20世纪初出现于巴黎的一个绘画和雕刻抽象流派,其特征是把各种自然形态简化并分裂成抽象的、通常为几何形状的结构,并常被描绘成一系列互不相联的平面。”
- " Cubism , also cubism : a nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in paris in the early 20th century , characterized by the reduction and fragmentation of natural forms into abstract , often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes . "
- 这正是立体派的都市风景。
- This was the cityscape of cubism .
- 我们可以看出立体派思想对这位艺术家的早期画作的影响作用。
- We can see the influence of cubism in the artist 's early work .
- 你可以把它看成是解析性立体主义。
- You could see it as a kind of analytic cubism .