- 下面图中显示使用纵横交错的画家的胶带覆盖在画布上,再画的表面大胆喷涂上丙烯酸涂料,然后剥离胶带,就创作出一系列现代感十足的重叠的三角形图案。
- By covering the canvas below in crisscrossing strips of painter 's tape , then painting over the surface with bold acrylic paint and peeling away the tape , the creator of this project formed a series of modern overlapping triangles .
- 每当她看到画布上那些记录着古代文明的历史时,总有一种新的灵感产生,促使她开始新的创作;她想由此来表现的不仅仅是绘画艺术,还要表达古代的传统文明和智慧。
- When she sees the history of ancient people that attached the canvas , afflatus coming to her heart , so she wants to exhibit not only the painting art but also the chinese traditional civilization and wisdom .
- 婚纱肖像油画,风光油画,装潢油画日渐遭到人们的钟爱。
- Canvas of marriage gauze effigies , scenery canvas , adornment canvas gets with each passing day the endearment of people .
- 他的画作缺少丘吉尔的帆布画里的精雕细琢,但画风也并非如英国斗牛犬般粗糙,普京对于用他的盛名去获得积极赞誉没有丝毫不安。
- His work lacks the polish of churchill 's canvases , but unlike the british bulldog , putin has no qualms about using his famous name to encourage positive reviews .
- 由于不愿从他们的别墅迷路,在他们自己的厨师的陪伴下(他特别从德里带来了面粉),他们大半个上午不是在寺庙里度过的,而是在研究他们的菜谱咖喱和炸蔬菜然后才走进他们的大帐篷。
- Reluctant to stray from their villa and accompanied by their own chef ( who 'd been specially flown in from delhi with his supplies ofbesan , or flour ) , they spent most mornings not at the temples but devising their menus kadiandpakoras before turning to their canvases .
- 他开始画画,通过画廊和商店出售他签名醒目、受马蒂斯影响的油画作品。
- He took up painting , selling his boldly signed , matisse-influenced canvases through galleries and stores .