- 《电磁场与电磁波》是电子信息类专业的一门专业基础课程,理论性较强,内容抽象,应用数学知识较多。
- " Electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves " is a professional foundational course of the electronic information specialty . It contains strong theoretical definition , abstractive content , and lots of applications of mathematical knowledge .
- 它允许可称量的物质完全自由地穿过它,在里面的波动形成了电磁波和静电,重力和磁力,都与以太相关。
- It allows ponderable matter to pass almost freely through it , waves in it are electromagnetic waves and electrostatic , gravitational and magnetic forces are all directly related to the aether .
- 这些放电行为组合并增强称为一些环绕地球的电磁波,并在地面和电离层之间60英里的空中形成一连串的电磁脉冲。
- Together these discharges coalesce and get stronger , creating electromagnetic waves circling around earth , to create a beating pulse between the ground and the lower ionosphere , about 60 miles up in the atmosphere .