- 詹姆斯克拉克麦克斯韦(jamesclerkmaxwell)的形成于19世纪中期的电磁学方程式,预言了无线电波的存在。
- James clerk maxwell 's equations of electromagnetism , derived in the mid-19th century , predicted the existence of radio waves .
- 如果电磁学之父迈克尔法拉第可以乘坐时光机来到21世纪,毫无疑问他将对iphone肃然起敬。
- If the father of electromagnetism , michael faraday , could be transported into the 21st century , he would no doubt be awestruck by the iphone .
- 大多数波色子只扮演“信使”角色,它们依靠电磁作用力和强弱原子核作用力把其他粒子“黏合”在一起,例如费密子。
- Most bosons are messenger particles that cement the others , known as fermions , together . They do so via electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces .