- 为了午餐而进行一场野外旅行。
- Take a field trip for lunch .
- 该领域必须进行根本性变革。
- The field must be revamped fundamentally .
- 神经科学是一个派别林立的领域。
- Neuroscience is a splintered field .
- 全球变暖使农田干枯。
- Global warming dries out farmland .
- 另外,两个地方都被农田和森林混杂包围。
- And both are surrounded by a mixture of farmland and forest .
- 在过去30年,他的家族曾利用无锡周围的耕地来扩张自己的公司。
- Over the past 30 years , his family has gobbled up farmland near wuxi to expand the company .
- 原因如下:在美国,只有不到1%的农田经过了有机生产认证。
- Here 's why : less than 1 percent of american cropland is under certified organic production .
- 另一个使世界粮食收成增长放缓的原因是农田向非农业用途的转换。
- Another trend slowing the growth in the world grain harvest is the conversion of cropland to nonfarm uses .
- 在马里成片的农田中,植树的实践方法已经随处可见。
- In mali , the practice of growing trees amid rows of cropland seemed to be everywhere .