- 最勤奋的一个还要再多20小时。
- The most diligent put in another 20 hours .
- 这对拖拉者和勤奋的作者一样是个坏消息。
- Bad news for procrastinators and diligent authors alike .
- 但是这些要求对于最勤勉的管辖者(相当于市长)来说也仍然是一个难以实现的目标。
- Yet such demands are a difficult target for even the most diligent governor ( equivalent to a mayor ) .
- 他们都是家庭生活的基石,都是抚养孩子的勤劳的母亲,而孩子的父亲们在在外游手好闲。
- They 're the bedrock of family life , hardworking moms who feed and raise kids while their fathers are out roaming .
- 实际上,有四分之一的百万富翁,他们所支付的税率要比数百万辛勤工作的中产阶级家庭还低。
- In fact , one in four millionaires pays a lower tax rate than millions of hardworking middle-class households .
- 就在不久之前,他们的国家还被看做那些令人畏惧的新兴市场之一,他们不知疲倦地辛勤工作。
- Not so long ago their country was seen as one of those tirelessly hardworking emerging markets to be feared .
- 老师和同学们的印象中,她是一个文静,好学而又诚恳的天主教小女孩。
- Teachers and students remembered her as a quiet , studious and devoutly catholic girl .
- 一个营养全面的孩子往往更有可能会成为一个勤奋认真的孩子。
- A well-nourished child is more likely to be a studious one .
- 她比丹尼尔大四岁,非常勤奋而又专心,而他则充满乐趣和愉快的激情。
- She 's four years older than daniel and very studious and focused , while he 's bursting with fun and light-hearted enthusiasm .