- 像煎饼一样扁平的蝙蝠鱼在墨西哥湾的浮油水域被发现;一种新的羚类在一个非洲西部丛林肉市场上被廉价出售。
- A batfish as flat as a pancake was dredged up from the oil-slick waters in the gulf of mexico . A new species of antelope was found on sale at a west african bush meat market .
- 新发现的羚羊,则是在西非的肉市场里发现的。
- A new species of antelope was found on sale at a west african bush meat market .
- 最新研究表明,这个蜘蛛网是用世界上已知的最结实的生物材料编织而成的,它是达尔文吠蛛这一新的蜘蛛种类的产物。
- Made of the world 's strongest known biological material , the web is the product of a new species , the darwin 's bark spider , which makes the world 's largest webs of any single spider , new studies say .