- 谷物锈病是一种真菌感染。
- Wheat rust is a fungal infection .
- 上周我去了铁锈地带,同新成立的公司负责人和企业家交谈。
- I spent the last week traveling around the rust belt talking with startups and entrepreneurs .
- 由于可乐的化学特性有助于分解铁锈颗粒,从而清洗起来更加容易。
- The properties of coke help to break down the rust particles , making cleaning much easier .
- 生锈的工厂停产闲置,许多房屋窗户上没有玻璃,人们的平均月薪约为2美元。
- Rusting factories stand idle , many homes have unglazed windows and the average wage is about $ 2 a month .
- 以前,岛上是一大堆生锈的罐子,如今巴尔特拉岛上的这种设施是美国最安全的燃料库之一。
- Formerly a mess of rusting tanks , this facility on the island of baltra is now one of the safest fuel depots in the americas .
- 一块石墨或者一颗金刚石能稳定地放在实验工作台上而不会突然自燃或者生锈,而且不会与水发生反应。
- A lump of graphite or a diamond will sit happily on a laboratory bench without bursting into flames , or even rusting , and is impervious to the action of water .
- 聘请了三位化学腐蚀方面的专家对公司管道维护和维护的工作进行评估。
- It has hired three experts on corrosion to assess whether it is monitoring and maintaining its pipelines properly .
- 传统方法里最耐腐蚀的化合物含有铬的一种有毒形态。
- Traditionally , compounds containing a toxic form of chromium have provided the best corrosion resistance .
- 所有的这些元素,像黄金,都是贵金属,这意味着它们能抗腐蚀。
- All of these , like gold , are noble metals , meaning that they are resistant to corrosion .