- 他们总是喜欢,死后,他们的名声靠着基金会一代又一代地流传下去。
- They often like the notion that their foundations will live on after them , carrying their name down from generation unto generation .
- 但它必须重塑其搜索组合,要像英特尔公司(Intel)那样,不断推出一代又一代微处理器,永远赶在竞争对手之前,让最新的芯片取代上一代产品。
- But , instead , it must reinvent its own search portfolio , the way intel ( intc ) reinvented the microprocessor generation after generation , always allowing its newest chip to put the last one out of business , before the competition did .
- 不过,这些模型没有完全抓住人类的内在反应我认为,到目前为止,这只是对商业周期和金融模型的外围补充它导致情绪在欣快与恐慌之间摇摆,一代又一代地重复这种情形,几乎没有什么学习曲线的证据。
- But these models do not fully capture what I believe has been , to date , only a peripheral addendum to business-cycle and financial modelling the innate human responses that result in swings between euphoria and fear that repeat themselves generation after generation with little evidence of a learning curve .