- 他告诉学生们人类发展如何改变了它们的自然栖息地。
- He tells the students how development has changed its natural habitat .
- 其他船舶搁浅和偶尔漏油事件也对这块栖息地造成破坏。
- Other ship groundings and occasional oil spills have marred the habitat .
- 栖息地的消失和气候的变化将是它们灭绝的最大原因。
- Habitat loss and climate change will be the biggest reasons for their extinction .
- 礁秘密:启动权,选择鱼类及无脊椎动物,技术先进生物栖地。
- Reef secrets : starting right , selecting fishes & invertebrates , advanced biotope techniques .
- 生态鱼缸表现出观赏鱼的自然生活环境。
- Biotope aquariums represent the natural environments of ornamental fish .
- 融入植被结构因子的生态单元制图法在城市生物多样性信息采集中的应用。
- The application of vegetation structure information in biotope mapping models towards urban biodiversity .
- 科学家和环境学家都承认,导致鲑鱼数量下降的原因是过度捕捞和产卵生境的破坏。
- Scientists and environmentalists agree that the causes of the decline include overfishing and the destruction of spawning habitats .
- 一些北极特有的物种也会随着栖息地变小和南方动物的入侵最终灭绝。
- Some highly specialised arctic species will probably become extinct as their habitats shrink and southern interlopers rush in .
- 推广和支持有助缓减保护区生境和生物所面对的外来威胁的措施。
- Promoting and supporting measures to reduce and minimise external threats to the habitats and wildlife at the reserve .
- 这个网站绝对是超赞的!
- This site is just awesome !
- 那在遗址处发现的稀有铭文呢?
- The rare inscription found at the site ?
- 设计很漂亮的单页面网站。
- Beautifully designed single page site .