- 酒红色石榴石精编葫芦,谐音"鸿福",暗示好运来临,鸿福齐天.
- The wine red garnet fine arranges the bottle gourd , the harmonics " the great fortune " , suggested the good luck approaches , the great fortune uneven day .
- 重金属铬对西葫芦种子发芽及出苗的影响。
- The effect of cr on seedling and germination of bottle gourd seed .
- 农贸市场卖的苦瓜都是本地的菜农种的,所以格外鲜嫩。
- Farmers market to sell the bitter gourd vegetable species are local , so very fresh .
- 现在,这只葫芦里的手帕虽不知所踪,但是lalueza-fox的团队分离出了葫芦内壁上的一种褐色物质,经过生化鉴定,这种物质确定为干血。
- The handkerchief is now missing from the gourd , but lalueza-fox and his team identified a brownish substance on the interior of the dried squash . Biochemical tests determined that the substance was dried blood .
- 苦瓜也叫“凉瓜”,其味苦性寒,归心经,所以炎热的季节宜多吃苦瓜。
- Bitter melon is also called " bitter gourd " and its bitter cold in nature , owned by the heart sutra , the hot season so should eat bitter melon .