- 他快速的把它塞回牛仔裤兜里。
- He quickly stuffed it back in his jean pockets .
- 用牛仔裤的另一条裤腿重复上述步骤。
- Repeat this last step using the other jean leg .
- 他说,他同样避免高温,不用热水洗牛仔裤或把他们放入烘干机里,以保护牛仔裤的品质。
- He also avoids heat-using hot water on his jeans or throwing them in a dryer-to protect the quality of the jean , he says .
- 其次是杜松子酒,已经变成了半透明的,类似橄榄形状与大小的球体。
- Gin played the cameo , having been turned into a translucent sphere the size and shape of an olive .
- 制作杜松子酒,最后结果证明,并不很难。
- Making gin , as it turns out , is not so hard .
- 18世纪,似乎为了控制穷人贪喝杜松子酒不得不颁布法律。
- During the eighteenth century , laws had to be brought in to curb the seemingly insatiable appetite for gin amongst the poor .