- 一个很有创造力的建筑商从他对海洋的热爱中得到启发,用旧旅馆的废弃木材建成了s.s.encinitas和s.s.moonlight两套公寓。
- A creative builder took inspiration from his love for the sea and built the s.s. encinitas and s.s. moonlight apartments out of salvaged timbers from an old hotel .
- 它是一个“重达800磅的暴徒”,负责美国商业诉讼会议厅安排的罗宾s康拉德说道。
- It 's an " 800-pound gorilla , " says robin s. conrad , who heads the u. s. chamber of commerce 's litigation unit .
- 我们早都弄不清索尼xperiap,s和u之间的区别了,当然还有htc的onex,s和v。
- We 've already lost track of what differentiates sony 's xperia p , s and u smartphonesas well as htc 's one x , s and v smartphones .