- 这位37岁的艺术老师,知名人物pumpkingutter说他还是一名小男孩的时候就把雕南瓜当成了自己的兴趣爱好。
- The 37-year-old art teacher , known as the pumpkin gutter , said he 'd been carving pumpkins as a hobby since he was a little boy .
- 分割有期望的巴勒斯坦和正在建设的跟加强大的以色列是破坏对和平的希望。
- But carving up a prospective palestine and building a greater israel is destroying the prospects for peace .
- 上图:这是我父亲做的一些雕刻工具,还有一个debbie做的盆,里面放着rahandrah的珠子。
- Image above : here are some dad-made carving tools and debbie-made pots containing rah and rah beads .
- 死法:老鹰丢了只乌龟在他头上
- How he died : an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head
- 作为惩罚,宙斯把普罗米修斯绑在一块石头上,让一只老鹰不停地啄食他的肝脏。
- As punishment , zeus chains prometheus to a rock , where an eagle pecks incessantly at his liver .
- 一只训练有素的鹰能在捕猎到狐狸或獾等猎物之后回来。
- A well-trained eagle will return after killing prey such as foxes and badgers .
- 在2005年在哥伦比亚号遇难后的第一次发射中,太空梭受到了另一飞行威胁:在起飞过程中一只秃鹫撞入燃料箱。
- In 2005 , during the first launch after the space shuttle columbia disaster , a shuttle was threatened by another flying menace : a vulture that smacked into the external tank during takeoff .
- 纽特金里奇甚至开始攻击私人股本行业中的“秃鹰投资者”。
- Even newt gingrich is attacking the " vulture capitalists " in the private-equity industry .
- 因此,他比身后的岩石更加坚硬,比啄食他肝脏的秃鹰更加耐心。
- This is how he is harder than his rock and more patient than his vulture .
- 买一支大蜡烛,然后用一支没有装铅芯的自动铅笔在上面雕刻一些特别的标语。
- Buy a large candle , and use a mechanical pencil with no lead in it to engrave a message .
- 要取两块红玛瑙,在上面刻以色列儿子的名字:
- Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of israel
- 这位37岁的艺术老师,知名人物pumpkingutter说他还是一名小男孩的时候就把雕南瓜当成了自己的兴趣爱好。
- The 37-year-old art teacher , known as the pumpkin gutter , said he 'd been carving pumpkins as a hobby since he was a little boy .
- 分割有期望的巴勒斯坦和正在建设的跟加强大的以色列是破坏对和平的希望。
- But carving up a prospective palestine and building a greater israel is destroying the prospects for peace .
- 上图:这是我父亲做的一些雕刻工具,还有一个debbie做的盆,里面放着rahandrah的珠子。
- Image above : here are some dad-made carving tools and debbie-made pots containing rah and rah beads .
- 就同雕塑家手持凿子工作那样,通过每次经心的呼吸,你会发现自己心灵中的哪个部分需要摒弃,从而能将你内心中早已存在的美展露出来。
- Like the sculptor working with a chisel , with each mindful breath , you begin to see which aspects of your psyche need to be chipped away to reveal the already existent beauty that is within you .
- 甚至非暴力如更多女性遭受的性骚扰的压力,也会集体凿掉我们的自我价值。
- Even non-violent pressures such as sexual harassment , from which far more women suffer collectively chisel away at our sense of self-worth .
- 他不可能只用锤子一凿,而雕像上多余的石头全都掉落立马展现出一件杰作。
- He doesn 't hit the chisel with the hammer once , and suddenly all the excess stone falls away revealing a beautiful masterpiece .