- 收缩根的作用是把形成的鳞茎或球茎定位于土壤的某一特定深度,例如番红花属的植物。
- Contractile root a specialized root developed by certain bulb-and corm-forming plants that serve to pull the bulb or corm down to the appropriate depth in the soil , e.g. crocus .
- 收缩根的作用是把形成的鳞茎或球茎定位于土壤的某一特定深度,例如番红花属的植物。
- Contractile root a specialized root developed by certain bulb-and corm-forming plants that serve to pull the bulb or corm down to the appropriate depth in the soil , e.g. crocus .
- 姜荷花球根大小与带贮藏根与否对切花及球根生产之影响。
- Effect of corm size and storage roots on cut flowers and corm production of curcuma alismatifolia .
- 较小的鳞茎植物种入大约7到10厘米深。
- Smaller bulbs can be planted about seven to ten centimeters deep .
- 梅森建议将大部分比较大的鳞茎植物种入大约15到20厘米深,例如郁金香和水仙花。
- Sandra mason suggests planting most big bulbs like tulips or daffodils about fifteen to twenty centimeters deep .
- 假日里整个北半球无数的零售商店里都有很多品种的朱顶红的球茎出售。
- Many varieties of amaryllis bulbs are sold in countless retail stores across the northern hemisphere during the holiday season .