- 它也不仅仅是无聊的智力游戏:自由和训练给了孩子们一个很好的利用和管理他们大脑的好方法。
- Nor is it just idle intellectual games : the combination of freedom and discipline offers an excellent way to teach children how to harness and direct their the powers of their minds .
- 约翰和我都知道不应该以貌取人,可穿着优雅为世人看,在思想上、言语上、行动上实践优秀的标准,以达到内外的和谐统一,这又另当别论。
- John and I knew we should not judge sb by his appearance . However , elegant dressing is said to be the standard for excellent practice in thought , speech , and behavior to achieve the harmonious combination between one 's appearance and one 's internality , yet this is another story .
- 结论电视纤维喉镜与医学影像工作站联接在诊断治疗喉部疾病中是非常有效的工具。
- Conclusion the connection of video fiber laryngoscope and medical image workstation is a new excellent and effective combination instrument in diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal diseases .